Sunday, March 7, 2010

My quilt is back!

My giant queen-size quilt is back from the quilter. It turned out beautiful! I am delighted! There are exquisite feathers in the white sections of the log-cabin blocks, and diagonal lines in the dark sections. There are pretty swirls stitched in the sashing. The boarder has a circular swirly design.

I know, I know, a picture is worth 1000 words, and yes, I'll post one. Oy, it's hard to get a picture of such a large quilt.

My Entrepreneurship

The hats business is doing well, and I am making more and selling more in person at work. Not so much on the Internet....

Oh wait, I just checked my email....I sold another hat! WOW! WOW! WOW!

Now I need to get off my butt and get some more pictures and items on the web.

I tried developing a new design and I have two coworkers testing them out. I need to stop obsessing about the "ultimate fit" and move on to the variations I have would like to produce: doo-rags for bikers, skull caps with ponytail pouch, chemo-caps. I found some fun fabrics recently in the remnant bin at various fabric stores and these should sell well, too.

This entrepreneurial endeavor is a fun game.

My Job

I have leapt. I have a date to got observe on another unit this week. I am working on another observation experience on a second unit, also.

I am sad about the whole thing, but after 3 months, I (think I) understand my manager, and we have conflicting styles. To me, life is too short for working in an incompatible environment. It's a shame, but it is what it is.

So now I will sing the song of "I want other experience, I want to broaden my knowledge base." Yeah, it's true, in a way. You know how the game is played.

Anyway, off to prepping my shipment!

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