Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pre Christmas Rush

Actually, I'm not too far behind in my Christmas preparations. Yet, there are a few things left to do.

First a serious note. I attended my friend's memorial service yesterday. Many quilt guild people were in attendance. Our dear friend had been a past president of the guild, and thankfully, members had not forgotten. To paraphrase the pastor at the service, it is good that we came. The family had gotten together many of her quilts and had them displayed along with photos and other memorabilia. That's a neat idea.

So, where am I in my Christmas preparations? I have made several flower pins and given them as gifts. They are nice little presents. I was going to have one left over for me, but I found another person who needed a gift!

I have one more gift to make - a scrub cap for a member of my extended family who is an obstetrician. He probably won't use it, since I understand he prefers using the disposable caps. However, he is a gracious gift recipient and he has an appreciation of handmade items. To make a cap (in his med-school college colors) will be satisfying to us both.

I have most presents purchased and sent. Embarrassingly, though, I still haven't figured out what to get my sister and brother in law. I have one little thing for them...and then? Oy. I also need to get some small gifts for my parents and my uncles. Uncles. Senior citizen men are hard to buy for.

This morning I finished a rather elaborate gift for a coworker. I made him a scrub top. He has been a colleague now for almost 4 years, and I really enjoy working with him. He likes the Looney Toons character Tasmanian Devil ('Taz')and I found some cotton fabric with a Taz print. He has been bugging me for a top for a while, too! Scrub tops are not particularly difficult, but they do take time. And, I care to do a good job, including finished hems. I sure hope it fits.

Speaking of hospital wear, I sold two more caps on my etsy site! I shipped them on Friday, so hopefully the buyer will get them tomorrow. Now my site is "out" of skull caps! Oh no!

Yet, on Friday, I had a chance to take some more cap photos with my coworkers as models. I also got a sale among the about that. I hope to post a few more caps today.

I eagerly anticipate going to visit family over the holiday. Partially it is the fun of getting out of town, traveling by air, and doing something different. It is also the joy of seeing family.

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