Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Long Awaited Update

I have been busy and I haven't had a chance to write. Here is the summary:
  • Sewing every chance I get to have enough inventory for a handmade holiday open house THIS SATURDAY!
  • Work, with extra meetings.
  • In-laws here for Thanksgiving. Which necessitated cleaning house, planning menus, shopping, planning outings, etc.
  • Procrastinating on my round robin for quilt guild. I had to finish that by Nov 29 before doing more scrub caps.
  • Trip to North Carolina for my patent recognition.
  • Now, a bad cold.
Ergh. I am not happy about the cold. I was fighting it valiantly but looks like I lost out in the end. Perhaps the stress and dryness of air travel did me in.

The trip to NC was awesome and did it ever make me miss the south. It is so green there in the fall and winter compared to here in Kansas! I got to see several friends, including my former coworkers at "Terrific Company" (my pseudonym for this company, from a previous series of posts). That was OK - the experience with those coworkers through the turmoil that eventually led me out of computing was deeply emotional at the time. Now, I am far enough away from it that I can regard it more objectively.

I am glad I didn't do anything impulsive or rash at the time. I had the opportunity. I chose not to use it.

Also, I saw a friend from nursing school. I saw a friend and former roommate from computer science graduate school. I met with my former quilting bee from Terrific Company once a week at lunch hour. (I showed them this blog. Hello ladies!! if you are reading...) I even had a little time to shop at a quilt shop.

Now, the open house is two days away. I had a detailed and busy plan for all the preparatory work today - but I'm quite tired and congested. I think I'll be well enough for Saturday, if I take good care today.

That's a big "if." There's much to do today.

Perhaps I'll start with a nap...

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