Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Two Quotes I Like

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot


"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

The first quote inspires me to continue learning and growing. I feel much more empowered now than any previous time in my life.

I just heard the second quote recently, and I have been pondering it. It inspires me to decide what I want and go make it happen. Typically, I get frustrated when I want to do something but the world isn't aligning to my desires. Well, hell. I need to make the reality I want. Hence the online store idea.

I tend to wallow in research. Sometimes, I just need to jump in naively, foolishly, and optimistically. Of course, for this store to have some hope of success, I need something to sell before I actually create it. I'm working on that now. I have several kits cut out for scrub caps, now if I can put them together, I'll need to launch. Opening shop on my birthday is a wonderful goal. Less than a month!! Sure I can do it. I just need about 10 hats to sell and then we'll see what happens.

Today, I made bread. Good therapy. I used a honey whole wheat recipe I had not tried before (from my favorite bread book: Homemade Bread, by the Food Editors of Farm Journal). It came out great - very wheat-y and not too heavy. Moist, with a fine crumb. The recipe is called whole wheat bread, but then it calls for 2/3 all-purpose flour, 1/3 whole wheat flour. Well, I fixed that - instead, I changed it to 2/3 whole wheat flour - serendipitously, though. I ran out of white flour. Whoops.

The recipe makes 3 loaves, but it turns out that three loaves of dough is slightly too much for my mixer. It nearly worked its way out of the bowl up the dough hook while kneading! The mixer handles 2 loaves worth of dough just fine.

Every day, I learn something.

Incidentally, it was Quilt Guild day today. No big whoop this time - more of a business meeting, so I wasn't all wrapped up with program details.

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