Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today the Thoughtful Quilter is thoughtful. Hee, hee.


Regarding work: I decided to go back to the 3 12-hour shifts. Late on Thursday it occurred to me that I would be working a lot more if I stayed at the 4 10-hour shifts, not just the 4 extra hours. My personal time seems to have diminished more than the 10% extra hours I was working. This is not why I became a nurse.

I love my job; however, I love my personal life just a little more.


Another ghost from the past emerged. I received and invitation from my former company to a breakfast honoring people who held patents for the company. This is how I learned that my second patent was granted.

Curiously, it was granted last February, 8 months ago. Did anyone think to mention that to me? No, of course not. That sums up my whole experience with that company. (Flipping company the bird right now.)

Nevertheless, my gut told me I should go to the ceremony. In the spirit of following my instincts, I said yes and now I am making plans to go. Flying to North Carolina, seeing old friends. How exciting! Some of those folks don't even know I'm in Kansas and I'm an RN now.

I experienced a range of feelings when this news came. Pride, ego, intimidation, sadness, insecurity, embarrassment, superiority, happiness, excitement.


I am sewing scrub caps like a crazy woman. I have another client, how about that! A chef who wants something to cover her hair when preparing food for her clients. Networking is taking place! I can actually do this!

Watch for a November 8 launch.

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