Saturday, May 9, 2009

Smug self importance

Heh. I was scrapbooking before it was the new, trendy thing.

In middle school or early high school, my girlfriend found out she would be moving across the country. Our little group of friends got together and made her a scrapbook of memories from her life in New Jersey. I took pictures of teachers, friends, places. We bought a paper scrapbook and placed the photos inside. We drew pictures to embellish the pages.

I remember one page where I drew a giant ice cream cone along the margin of the page, coloring each scoop of ice cream in a realistic color. Another page had a hand-drawn border of a little vine with leaves and tiny flowers. Pretty creative, eh?

I have lost track of that friend, Valerie Edwards. I wonder if she treasures that book or if it's packed away, forgotten. To me, it seems like a special gift - pictures from a time and age where you didn't really keep track of these seemingly mundane things. It would be fun to see that scrapbook again.

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