Monday, May 18, 2009


"Posies" block
I picked up my Aunt Millie's Garden project recently. I have nearly finished the first block, and now I'm working on the second block. I gave each block a name. First is called "posies." Second I'm calling "Iris." (see below)

How do you like the red background? I debated whether to use red as the pattern does, or change to black or even navy blue. Red won in the end; I like red, and it's quite different from my usual style. It adds drama.

I'm seeing my applique evolve with practice, yes I'm getting better at it. The process is even more magical when the curves are even and smooth.

I have chosen a "scrappy" approach to the applique, using a variety of fabrics in each block. However, I'm trying to use similar styles of fabrics, sticking with colorful contemporary prints for the applique. A thirties reproduction would stand out like a sore thumb. I don't have a lot of contemporary prints, though. Darn, I have to buy more fabric....

I found some nice ones at the quilt show last week.

Although I could go buy more fabric, being forced to use my stash encourages creativity.  

Interestingly, taking pictures of my work gives a new view of the blocks. Fabrics that look out of place or too bold when I first consider them actually add visual interest. Lesson learned.

Iris block

Close up of Iris Applique

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