Monday, June 9, 2008


Despite the daily horoscope giving me a 5-star day, I am negative today. Weather again. It has been gray and rainy and yukky humid. At least it's warm...but the gray diminishes the light. It brightened up by late afternoon and I celebrated by walking the dogs. We all enjoyed it.

I really oughta move to the equator where the days don't change.

Work was OK today. Our usual early person is out on vacation for a few weeks, and I am taking some of her early shifts. Today was one of them. I got into work at 6:00 am, which is awfully early for me. Turned out, it was not a busy day...I ended up clocking out at approximately 3:15 pm. I will be short hours this week, undoubtedly. I don't like when it's so slow at work. I get to feeling useless. If I am useless at work, then why can't I go do something else? I hate wasting my energy on nothingness. Bleh, and I couldn't get my IV on my guy either. He had leather skin.

I got home and I was tired. I am tired a lot. I nap a lot. In fact, I napped again today. I generally get enough sleep at night, I just like to nap and I have gotten in the habit. If I was motivated I could have gone to the Monday yoga class. I was not so motivated. I plan to do yoga tomorrow morning. I have greater motivation in the morning.


At the suggestion of my choir director at church, I had signed up for the Summer Singers of Kansas City. It's a no-audition group that meets during the summer only. We'll put on one concert in August. I thought it would be fun - my first rehearsal was last Tuesday evening, and I thought it was OK. It usually takes me a while to warm up to a new group and feel a part of it. I was hoping for instant infatuation, no such luck. Seems like a nice group people, and I was pleased to see that I actually knew some of the music for the program. Curiously, one of the sopranos in my section is blind and she seems to have braille music - fascinating.


The garden looks great. I pulled an onion for a salad last week, and I found it very exciting. A darling little onion - who knew I could grow an onion? Small wonder....

The radishes are mostly duds - I suspect my fertilization ratio is not optimal for root crops. After I realized the roots were all underdeveloped, I put down some fertilizer with a higher phosphorus percentage on the radish section and the carrot sections. I hope it will have a positive impact on the carrots. I think it's too late for the remaining radishes and I may try again in the early fall. I will replace the radish section with a bush bean, which is sprouting inside right now. It's a wax bean, actually. I'm not too fond of green beans.


Last Tuesday, I was chewed out by a member of my quilt guild. She had asked to be in a quilt bee (I coordinate them) and I did some work to get her into one, but it fell through. It was partially my fault, partially communication problems, and partially circumstance. Made me feel like quitting the guild, she was so mean. True I let her down, but jeez, this is a volunteer thing.

I knew the feeling would pass (it did) and I learned something about her. She's really blunt and opinionated.

I did buy the pattern for Aunt Millie's Garden. I am contemplating how to make it - I'm not sure I want a red background. However, it does make an impact! New projects are fun.


My real weekend starts tomorrow. I have 2 days off! Cleaning, chores, quilting, baking, and enjoying my new chaise lounge sitting under the birch tree in the back yard. A new fence contractor comes out tomorrow. I hope it will work out.

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