Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mixed Nuts

I have been browsing other people's blogger blogs. Mine is so plain. However, I don't have the motivation to make it that much better. I like the theme I've chosen, with the orange colors and such. Ironically, in real life, I don't like orange at all.


Last week that kid that I blogged about was back. I literally felt ill to my stomach when I saw him on the schedule. Fortunately, I was not assigned to him, and I just steered clear. He was somewhat better behaved for the other nurse.

For at least the third time, I was assigned a family member of someone who works in my hospital. I wonder if this is coincidence or what. The family member was fine. The person who worked at my hospital, let's call her Mabel, behaved pretty well. However, she thinks I'm a big doofus. And as luck would have it, I made all kinds of rookie mistakes while she was in the room - nothing harmful, just things that made me look dumb. I succeeded in looking like a total dork. Oddly, it didn't bother me that much - Mabel no longer works in a department related to mine, so I don't see her much anymore. No love lost there. It was rather nauseating to see all the former coworkers cooing over Mabel. She wasn't everyone's friend.

Hm. Come to think of it, the doctors were the one who were gushing. Her former peers kinda kept their distance.

House Stuff

I found another fence contractor who will do the job. This is good. I think I'll hire them.


I like my church. I have an odd philosophy about church - I am in it only for me.

I mean this in the sense that I go to church for my well-being and for my relationship with God. Not because I expect others to want me there. Not because anyone is supposed to care whether I show up or not. Not because I am a member and I'm supposed to be there. Not because there's any social benefit in my being seen, my participating in any committee, or my popularity as a performer. Not because my husband wants me to go (which never happens). No, I go for me.

These external motivations never fail to disappoint. If I don't show up, no one gives a damn. No one asks where's Lauren? We haven't seen Lauren and Mr. in weeks. Wonder where they are? Nope.

In my previous church I even stopped pledging money. No one asked me why. No one asked me to give more. No one thanked me for giving as much as I did.

I am anonymous. However, God has saved me from several difficult situations and saved my life. I am a devoted servant, albeit an imperfect one. God knows. I go to church anyway.

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