Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Post

Happy New Year!

This week I have a few extra days off and I am taking advantage of the time to work on the house. I have let things get a bit out of control and I would like to clean the place up a bit. Better organization, and create a more finished look. I recently went to a friend's house and it was meticulously decorated. I was envious (oh, not terribly so!) and I was inspired to work on my own home.

I would like to join the gym that's literally 1.5 blocks away from the house. It's a community center, not a commercial gym, so it's cheap to join. I joined last year and I used it for about 3 or 4 months. At the end of last year they did a remodel of the space, closing it down for about 4 months. I can't wait to see it now. I should go join up today.

I also had the courage to call and make an appointment for an evaluation for refractive surgery. I am near sighted and I wear glasses. I have tried contacts, but my eyes got irritated by them. I don't mind my glasses for the most part, but recently some things have begun to wear on me. I am tired of switching glasses when I go in/outside (sunglasses to regular glasses and back again). I recently bought some sunglasses, and I didn't get the expensive lenses. The cheap lenses were so thick, they distorted the frames and the glasses don't fit well. They fall off my face - insufferable - even after repeated fittings. And, most important of all, I have made peace with the fact that if I have the surgery, I may still need glasses. I can live with a partial solution, now. Ten years ago when I investigated the surgery, I could not live with less-than-perfect results.

I go for my evaluation tomorrow.

Nature in the suburbs

Yesterday, I noticed a hawk in our yard. I had swooped in and killed a Mourning Dove near our bird feeder. It ate the bird over about 40 minutes in the back yard. Very interesting to watch - not the eating and gore, but seeing the hawk, up close and personal. I think it was either a Cooper's Hawk or a Sharp Shinned Hawk, both of which are in our area of the country year round.


It's terribly cold here today. The temperature when I got up was 6.8 degrees. I just don't like it. I went out briefly to run some errands yesterday but mostly stayed home. It's sunny today, and I may go out, but I can't stand this cold.

I like the people here in Kansas, but shit, it's just too cold. And snow!! It freakin' snows here! I resent having to have moved here on days like this.

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