Monday, November 26, 2012


Every time I bring out my serger, I break it. I finally had a nice little project to use it on - making polar fleece caps for church for donation. I can even use up my extra polar fleece pieces!

It took about 45 minutes to change the thread and get the tension set right to make a nice stitch. I was feeling pretty good about it. I figured out what was wrong with the stitch and adjusted it. Hey, I think I'm getting it!

And then,

A dang pin got too close, got stuck under the blade, and now the serger is making funny noises and won't stitch at all. I think I either broke a gear or stretched a belt.

I swear. Maybe I'm not destined to make projects with a serger. This is ridiculous!

Off to the Bernina store again.


Now that we've had Trixie for about a month, she's settling in to our routine. I have seen her stand next to purebred dachshunds. She's not a purebred dachshund. Her head is too round, eyes to round, snout too perky. My current theory is that she's a Chiweenie - chihuahua/dachshund mix. She and Winnie are getting along well and they enjoy one or two wrestling sessions a day.

Trixie hasn't quite figured out the connection to peeing and pooping and the door. She's a sneaky little dog, so we haven't been able to catch her in the act. Catching them as they are eliminating usually teaches them the best - they know exactly what you're upset about, and hopefully you can establish new associations with the outdoors.

She likes to ride in the car, but she is a menace to drive with. She wants to be in your lap while you drive with her front paws resting on your left arm to steady her as she looks out the driver's window. Yeah, no, that is not going to work. We will probably try to find her a booster seat that will confine her, yet let her look out the window. We put are smaller crate in the cargo area of  the car for her to travel in and her whining was just so pathetic.

It is so fun to have a new, adorable, and playful pup for a change.

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