Friday, June 22, 2012

Mini Activism - the Garden

Grace Garden is doing very well. It's so exciting to see the vegetables mature. I remember when they were just little seedlings and now they are large and bearing fruit. I think we're ready to pick some carrots and there's a mature bell pepper! Carrots are like a mystery present. You really don't know how big it is going to be until you pull it.

There are a number of little peppers and lots of cayenne peppers getting close. Our 4 tomato plants are heavy with promising green globes.

The seeds I ordered for the succession plantings arrived today! More carrot and beet seeds, and we have more lettuce and spinach seeds for the fall. Just to try something new, we are going to try broccoli!

As Mother Theresa advises, we are doing this one small thing with great love.

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