Monday, June 11, 2012

Becoming a Community Activist

This garden I have started is infectious. I'm excited about it, I love seeing the plants as they grow, I delight in pulling the mature vegetable from the vine, or out of the soil, or off the stalk. I feel like I'm making a difference, however small.

And it's just fun. I get to grow more more things than I could ever use personally, and I get to give the results to someone who, needs... it.

I heard about Will Allen from three different places lately. He built an organization in Milwaukee called Growing Power that feeds thousands of people with local and urban agriculture. It includes animal production (tilapia, bees, chickens) and vegetable production. The organization has an arm that provides training and conferences to empower others to do something similar.

Could I do something this big? Do I want to?

Right now, I don't have a vision for a large farm that I can't ultimately run by myself. But it would be so awesome to do.  What could I envision, if I really thought about it?

Opportunities are presenting themselves, without my even trying....I just wanted some people to help me with the garden plot, and my church ended up funding the whole project. Now, they've found some grant money maybe we could get. The amount we would need to fund the project is way less than the minimum grant. Maybe we could use the extra money for training?

The recurrence of the name Will Allen seems to be a sign. A nudge.

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