Friday, March 23, 2012

Work life and life life

One thing all my heartache about my career taught me that work is work. It is fun to work, and it's a delight to have a job you actually like, but it's just a job. You've got to have integrity in yourself to survive in this world.

I'm really glad I'm a beloved child of God. There have been times when that's just about the only thing that keeps me hanging on.

The reason for these morose thoughts about professional life is that I think my best friend at work is going to quit or be fired. At least that's what she says.  She has had a difficult time these past few months. She and the boss don't  mesh well. I think it's an oil and vinegar problem - they see the world differently and have a lot of trouble communicating. Now, I think the boss has made up her mind that my friend is not doing her job and when you have that predisposition, everything you see supports your position. 

Me? I don't know whether she's doing her job. She's not goofing off, she's making every effort to "improve," and she is really trying to do the right thing. But sometimes despite the best efforts, it just doesn't work. 

Even if you're smart and even if you try, sometimes you find yourself in situations where you can't win. 

We expected the news to be let out today, but it didn't. I don't really know what's going to happen. My friend did not come to work today, but there were no announcements. 

It all might make sense to me if I didn't like the job, but the fact is I rather like what I do, and I'm doing well in the job - I get compliments and encouragement. This whole situation is just stressful and so unnecessary.

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