Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gardening season is coming

This year, I took my idea for a charity garden to my church. There's a small ministry group within the church that supports Christian causes of peace, justice and the environment. At a meeting in January, I pitched my idea for a garden to grow fresh vegetables for a local food pantry.

They loved it! The group is supporting the project!  So, Grace Garden is born.

It appealed to the group because it is an organic garden (good for the environment) and it is supporting the local community garden (a good social program). We are improving the food security of the community (social justice) with high quality product, healthier than canned vegetables or processed food they usually get at food pantries. I can only pray that the veggies do good, that they are given to people who know how to prepare fresh vegetables, and given to people will enjoy having fresh vegetables and fruit.  I imagine it feels pretty lousy to have to turn down food you know is better for you, because you have to pick  cheaper things.

I share the leadership with another volunteer who liked the idea and stepped up. I have a team of garden workers. I have laid out a plan for planting through the season. We're having our first work day on Saturday to start preparing the soil (if it dries out a bit by Saturday - very rainy lately!).

Our goal is to donate 100 pounds of wholesome organic food. We probably will donate it to food pantries closer to home than the regional food bank I gave to last year. We will manage the garden online. It is very exciting to see this project take shape.

Above all, I hope it will be fun. I hope I'll make some new friends and I really hope we will be wildly successful at growing vegetables.

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