Friday, February 3, 2012

Prayers in a group

I don't understand. In choir we close the rehearsal with sharing of concerns and joys, then we pray briefly. We don't pray on each concern explicitly.

I don't like the sharing of joys and concerns. The joys are few in number - maybe 1 happy thing for every 8 tragedies. Mostly we hear of dreadful things - "my mother in law is sick," "someone I work with was in a car accident," "my neighbor's father had a stroke," etc. It is so sad and it makes me depressed.

I am a horrible person. I am supposed to overflow with compassion for these beloved children of God, but I do not feel it. I am supposed to feel closer to these people, and maybe even admire them for uplifting their friends and family in prayer.  Instead it makes me depressed.

It seems like there are a few people who always have someone to talk about. Sometimes the connection is tenuous at best - "the friend of a son of someone I work with had something terrible happen to them, I'm not really sure of the details" - how can such a thing move you so much that you need all of us to pray for it?  My gut tells me that for some of these people it's a chance to display their sensitivity and compassion, and thus earn the admiration of others.

I don't know what to suggest. The practice itself not really a bad thing. I just find these things much more private and intimate.

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