Sunday, February 12, 2012

The irony of judging other people

Within a few days of my previous post, I received bad news in my family. My sister in law (wife of my husband's brother) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

There's not much to say about that - it is terrible, it is undeserved, she is relatively young (early 50s), she has lived cleanly. Supposedly, it was "caught early" so treatment is hopeful. However, pancreatic cancer is a lousy one to have because it does not have good treatment success no matter what you do. Consider Randy Pausch and Steve Jobs.

What remains that we can do? Well, pray, of course.

What did I just whine about? Sharing personal tragedies with a group to pray about.

I am a horrible person. God reminds me of that from time to time (I'm still forgiven, but that's another issue.) Nevertheless, I shall pray and I will share it with the group. I have not yet, though, since we don't know much at this point. Just a diagnosis.

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