Saturday, September 24, 2011

I got away, and I'm back to a mess...

I went to a conference for 4 days last week. It was wonderful - I was away from the normal stresses of life and I could forget about all of it for a while.  I really did! I was not so sad, I ate well, I didn't feel like I wasn't doing enough, I didn't have to go to rehearsals, I didn't have to exercise.  I visited with an old friend who lives near the city where the conference was held.  I had wine. I could think about things on my job freely and creatively. I could read my O Magazine and dream.

I come home and all the stresses are here waiting for me.

Sometimes I hate fall. It's a lovely time of year but everything is crammed into fall. My next post will probably be at Christmas, just because this time of year flies by too fast.

My house is cluttered, the native stone I purchased to do some landscaping with sits in a pile, my mother's memorial service is coming up and my brother and father can't make a decision on their own. There are a dozen cool things to be involved in for my church, my community, and both of my quilt guilds. I think up some awesome ideas to build something of consequence, like a clarinet choir, a professional organization for nurse informaticists, a local user group conference for Epic software.  I'm pressured to join a bell choir. I'm pressured to lose weight. I'm pressured to stay home and watch TV with my husband to maintain my marriage.

I have no doubt I could do any of that stuff.  I am merely overwhelmed with what to do. Jeez, and I don't even have kids to add to the mix.

Be calm.  Breathe. It is not the end of the world if I don't do any of it.

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