Friday, March 4, 2011

Charity Day 2011

Usually the guild's charity day is in February. This year it was in March because we got a real, honest to God blizzard on guild day in February. Everything was canceled.

I nearly didn't get to go. I was given the day off conditionally: if The Joint Commission did not come on Monday, I could have Tuesday off. We had a "scare" that they would come on Sunday afternoon. We were summoned to audit charts and give up our Sunday. Only to find out they did not come.

(For those who don't know, The Joint Commission is the main regulatory body in the US that oversees hospitals. They audit all hospitals periodically. The audits are supposedly unannounced, however, hospitals usually have some idea they are going to come.  In this case, our information was not accurate.)

Nevertheless, I got my day off.

I had a lovely day and I think it was a success. We had four project areas: a group that built tops from a common pattern called "Split Decision."Another area worked on strip foundation pieced blocks and making tops out of them. A third group took quilt "sandwiches" and did quilt tying. Others worked on anything they felt like. I did coordination.

I received at least 12 completed quilts for our charity. We have another 6 or 8 that need binding. Several new tops were completed. All of the batting got used up. Several other projects were completed. It was a productive day.

I was glad to be a part of it, and I felt so appreciated by the group. It made me feel even more sad that I will probably have to quit the guild because it is too difficult to get the Tuesdays off every month.

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