Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Post Op

I went through with it! I had LASIK surgery this morning and now I am writing my blog without glasses on. After about 30 years I am free from glasses.

Hooray for me! I found the courage and I did it!

The procedure itself was very short. It was uncomfortable but not painful, thanks to numbing drops in the eye. They make a flap in the corneal tissue, lift it up, zap a bit of the cornea, and smooth the flap back down. Then you recover. I was back home by 9:00 am (I was scheduled for 7:30 am).

The first several hours after the procedure, my eyes were sore and sensitive to light. My vision was not clear, but I could tell it as improved. Now, about 10 hours later, it is even better. I am less sore. My vision is somewhat similar to cloudy contacts - it is like I'm looking through a slight fog. My near vision is pretty good, and by distance vision is getting better. My eyes are still bloodshot and I think I had a little bleeding on my left eye. It's not much - very visible against the white sclera, though.

We'll see how it is tomorrow. I have been diligently putting drops in my eyes as instructed and I have taken it easy today.

I also start my study medication today - when I first got evaluated, I mentioned that I would be interested in participating in a study if there was one I qualified for. Lucky for me, there was! This doctor performs research for pharmaceutical companies (and probably other organizations, like device manufacturers). This study involves testing a new indication of a prescription eye drop for post-LASIK patients. The benefit for me is that it nearly cut my expenses in half.

A whole new world. I don't even know what it's like to be me without glasses. Today, I start to learn.

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