Saturday, February 9, 2008

Following up the Challenging Week

This week was remarkable. In a difficult way.

My previous post talked about my challenge in precepting the experienced nurse. It got ugly for me briefly, then resolved. What happened was this, which I found out in a back-handed way. She had decided that she didn't need to be precepted any more, she'd figure it out as needed. She went to the boss and informed her of this and said she would be just fine on her own. So she was the next day.

I wasn't informed, directly. I found that insulting. I felt slighted, professionally. I had gone out on a limb to do something I did not want to do for the good of the organization, and I got an indirect "thanks, but no thanks."

I was very angry when I got home. I knew it was going to be an awkward day the next day. I was tempted to call in sick, yet I am a professional. I don't do that.

I went to work with the full intention of ignoring the situation, being a "good soldier" and a "team player." The evening before, I had asked my husband how a man would handle this situation, and he said that a man would suck it up. I tried. I couldn't quite do it. So, I called the unit educator to comment on the situation. Basically, I was hoping I'd get a "thank you, anyway, sorry it didn't work out." I also wanted to say "I told you so" in a way...

The unit educator did not know that the new person was on her own! I was astounded! I thought I was the only one out of the loop. I explained to the educator how the events unfolded from my perspective, and then I said that I was done. I have no more to say on the situation. And that was the end (for me).

Now I'm back to the detente situation that worked for over a year previously. I can work with that!!

Other events

I had my pre-op study evaluation appointment on Tuesday. It went well. I am slated for LASIK surgery on Tuesday morning. I have the rest of the week off...I'm glad for that, too.

I never made it to the funeral service. It was the same day as the pre-op appointment and my eyes were all messed up at the end of that appointment. Dilated and sore. Plus the weather was coming in - snow, ice.

My furniture came in. So now I have 3 of the 5 pieces we ordered last week. I have to build the two that just came in. So excited! New stuff!

I made it to quilt guild on Tuesday, as well. It was fun! I am inspired again and I hope I get some quilting work in today. This meeting was our charity quilt sew-in - while I couldn't stay (due to the pre-op appointment), I did pick up a quilt top to finish at home.


I recorded an Oprah TV show this week on applying "The Secret" themes to your life. I was also inspired. They suggested making a vision board to help clarify and focus your goals. I think I will.

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