Monday, September 13, 2010

Coming up

So, our next big vacation is coming up. We are going back to Japan on another tour with Intrepid Travel. This one doesn't seem so exotic, but I am hoping there will be some surprises....the good kind.  We will go a few days before the tour starts to visit friends and also see Tokyo Disney.

At the moment, I'm a bit melancholy. A repeat is nice, but now I'm wondering if we shouldn't have chosen another country this time, just for something different. I'm interested in Portugal, Croatia, Iceland, Germany, Scotland, or even Norway, although, I don't want to go to Norway until June.

Eh, I think it's pre-travel stress.

I need some time away from my husband though, so I'll be able to enjoy our time together on the plane, in Tokyo, etc.

I will bring my Aunt Millie's garden applique work to keep me busy. That, and my Kindle and my iPod. That should keep me occupied during the long flight, in addition to the movies, meals, and hopefully sleeping.

Anyway, I'll have a hiatus from my blogs while I'm traveling.  We leave on 9/21.

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