Sunday, April 25, 2010

Post number 180.

I'm almost at 200 posts to this blog. Imagine that.

I was going to write a fifth post on my "cultural experience" series, but I changed my mind. This post was going to be about the one difficulty we had with the program and particularly the J family. It was hurtful, but you know, all it will do is make me look bad and emphasize how whenever I do something, there must always be a problem. Nothing ever goes 100% well for me. Usually I wallow in the self pity. Today I think I'll try to forget it.

Maybe it's Polyanna of me. Maybe it's denial. Maybe I'm just trying to keep a good attitude.

Moving on now.

OK, I got the message. It's time to move on in my job, for real. Life is too short to work someplace that does not bring me joy. I had a very bad day last week, and stupidly, I have sealed my fate with my boss. I am done. Thank you God for clarifying my dilemma, and to my coworkers, I'm sorry. It's my life, and as much as I like you all, I must pursue my own joy. To my patients, I'm sorry. To the patients I won't get to take care of, I'm sorry. There are plenty of great nurses out there, you don't need me.

Well, probably you do, because there aren't enough great nurses, but you need to help change the system so that people like me are kept at the bedside. You don't, though, so you get what you pay for.

There's an office job posted that catches my interest. Tomorrow I swear I will apply for it.


My Simple Tribute quilt will be on display for the first time this week. It's serving as a backdrop for a play at a local theater. I sewed on the hanging sleeve yesterday. I need a label, which I will do today or tomorrow.

My online shop:

I'm working on a new product line with success. I've got to work the kinks out and make some to post. I also bought a new pattern to use to develop "doo rags." Inspiration has come to me.

This weekend I made two cap with a Kansas City Royals theme. There seems to be no major league baseball fabric manufactured currently, and I've gotten several requests for KC Royals hats. My solution: I found some Royals patches on the Internet, ordered them, and I'm sewing them to the caps. They have come out really nice. One is the look of a baseball cap. The other has a logo on light blue. I hope my clients like them.

Embroidered patches are fun to use.

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