Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Thoughtful Quilter

Today, my blog is 2 years old. This is my 148th post.

It has been good therapy, as I continue to write. I have something like 3 to 10 posts a month, usually around 5 or 6. To my knowledge I don't have any followers except for a relative and maybe a few friends that read my posts from time to time. Occasionally someone finds a post via searching, when they look for something that I happen to have written about.

Over the 2 years, my posts have evolved. I used to write a lot about my job, but not so much any more. After three years, I am comfortable in my job, less mental anguish over the things that happen day to day.
Things still happen that disturb me, in fact something happened yesterday that has me in a funk today. I don't think I want to write about it - it was all just miserable, and I felt so inadequate. Suffice to say, my job still kicks my ass from time to time.
Now I write about quilting, my sewing endeavors, social situations, etc. I also like to write about memories from time to time (like October 31 post 2009). It's a good exercise.

Nevertheless, it is my anniversary. Yay for me.

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