Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Still on the Roller Coaster

My motivation is waning. Things aren't moving as quickly as I would like, however...they are still moving.  I don't have a contract yet. I did pick a phone number and I choose the names on my business cards.

It's coming, but it takes time. Really, it has only been a little over two weeks.


Last Thursday I went to a general networking group I had found on Meetup and it was a totally foreign situation. I was a bit freaked out about it - after I entered the room, I found a sales table all set up with supplement products and free samples of their energy bars, etc.

Holy crap, I thought, they're going to sell me supplements. This isn't networking! This is a sales trap! Panic! Run away!

I was was networking after all. The table was for the presentation of the day, which was to be given by one of the group members who did sell these supplements.

The group is a formal networking group with expensive dues, lots of formal rules, and lots of requirements for their members. You are supposed to stay for the entire meeting. You are supposed to make all meetings. You are supposed to attend social business events put on by other members. You are supposed to refer clients to the club's members (and they are supposed to send clients to you).

There are benefits, too. You have a sympathetic audience to help you work out marketing messages and pitches. When you go to the business/social events, you will know people. You meet people you might otherwise not meet in your usual crowd. This could translate to new business. The people in the group were basically normal people, although there weren't many in the fields that would help my clientele.

After thinking about it for several days, I've come to the conclusion that this group isn't quite right for me. It's too expensive for the potential value to my business - that is, not targeted enough for quality referrals.

I give myself credit that I tried. And since there isn't much to do right now, I will concentrate a bit more on life-management items I need to do. That is, I will work on chores around the house, getting my flu shot, and preparing for my sister's visit later this week.

Patience. It takes time to build something new.

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