Sunday, August 3, 2014

Coming Back to the Heart: Part 2

This time I'm talking about corporate values.

I don't want to complain about a corporation's values as demonstrated in their day to day operations. That's not really productive, but I will say that when it devolves to complaining, one must stop and consider what is going on. 

What is causing my complaining? What is the disconnect?

I left computing and the corporate life because I did not want to disengage from my work. The only way I have found to survive in such an environment is to disengage, stop caring, and focus life fulfillment elsewhere. I felt that was happening in my previous corporate life, so I left. 

I am not that person, though. I desperately want my work to matter, I want to be engaged, and I want to care deeply. I want to make a beautiful, functional, useful, and worthwhile work environment and correspondingly, product.

I don't fit any more, because complacency is not one of my values. 
  • I want to minimize crises and heroics. They are too costly, and there are enough of them in real life without purposely seeking them out as a way of working. 
  • I want to have a plan and know where I'm going. That way, even if I have to step away from the plan, I can keep going in that direction.
    • If I can't keep going in that direction, then I can at least not undo the direction.
  • I want to discuss the hard problems frankly, not placate others to stroke egos.
  • I want to empower others and trust them to do the right thing. I want to be empowered myself.
  • I want research to guide practice, not personality.
I'm such a revolutionary. Hell... no really, it looks like I am an entrepreneur. 

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