Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Quiet Thoughtful Quilter

Ugh, I am waylaid with a bad cold. I don't feel like doing anything, except sewing and finishing up my last Blue Valley Quilter's Guild Newsletter. I went to work all of last week and I think it was a mistake - although I was strongly compelled not to let my team down (we are short-staffed these days), I was probably too much of an infection risk to be a good nurse. 

To my patients, I apologize. It was a bad idea. I sincerely hope I didn't transmit my cold to anyone.

I tried my best, obsessively washing my hands, minimizing my time in close proximity to patients and coworkers, constantly sucking on a lozenge to hold off the coughing. Additionally, I had an early day on Wednesday, and this week was my Saturday. I felt strongly urged to be there and pull my weight.

The result is that I have prolonged my cold/sinus infection/bronchitis for 2 weeks now. Lucky me. 

I'm calling in sick for tomorrow. I just can't do it all.

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