Tuesday, August 12, 2008


How can I be tired? I get plenty of rest. I eat well, and I get exercise. Yet today, I am tired. It is my 5th day off in a row so I should be well rested by now.

Last night, I was awakened by a blistering headache. It was about 2:30 AM and I was awake for about 1 hour. At first I tried repositioning. I got up finally and took some Ibuprofen. My muscles felt achy so I tried massaging and stretching my shoulders and hips. Next, I got up and did some gentle yoga stretches on the floor next to my bed. I could not believe how sore and tight I felt. Slowly, the ibuprofen kicked in and I was able to relax and go to sleep again.

I slept in late! Until 8:15! What could have made me so tired?

Yesterday, I got a lot done, including walking the dog, cleaning out the back yard after the new fence had been put in, and mowing the lawn. I called it quits before running the weed-whacker and using the blower to clean off debris from the driveway and sidewalks. In the afternoon I completed a number of errands and shopping. Complete the day by cooking dinner and doing a few chores after dinner.

Sounds like a busy day to me. You'd think 8 hours of sleep would be enough. Guess not.

Last weekend, a friend from the east coast came to visit for a few days. We had a grand time - busy with sight-seeing and visiting. No chores done so I have to catch up on them on the days following.

When I feel so tired, I get concerned. I wonder if it's something monumental in my health. A nighttime throbbing headache makes me fear that it's a burst aneurysm, and now I await the loss of consciousness. Should I wake my husband, so I have some hope of being saved from my brain bleed?

Eh, it's probably just a headache.

The fatigue makes me wonder if something silent is lurking within - ovarian cancer? Pancreatic cancer? Brain tumor? Worse yet, old age?

Logic usually saves me from my fear. Where logic fails, faith kicks in - well if it's my time, so be it. I'd rather go than be prolonged in a semi conscious state.

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