Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blessed Saturday

Nothing like a Saturday when you really need one. It's sunny, I could sleep in, and I have something fun to do today.

Today I will go work on Quilts of Valor with a friend and a group from my quilt guild. I help out once in a while - it's not my signature project personally, but it's a good charity, and it's such fun to sew with friends.

It's sunny here in the midwest, not terribly cold, and I got to sleep in. These are the small things that bring joy.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The memory is going

I spent about an hour on Saturday writing a long post recounting a story from my life. Then I had a sudden feeling of deja vu... aw, crud. I posted that story already! It was about the January Apartment Fire back in 1989.

The frightening thing was how similarly worded the story was - the version I'd written three years ago and Saturday's.  I have become an old lady who repeats herself.

Heh, at least I can check if I've repeated myself!


I've recently spent some time on Blogher reading and learning how to become a better blogger. So far I have not found much advice beyond what I already know - use proper grammar, spell correctly, proofread, and vary your sentence structure.

There are a lot of helpful tutorials on photography. I have a lot to learn about taking photos for online.  Blogs with pictures are just more interesting.

I'm also hoping to improve my readership and step up the design, particularly on my rikrax blog.

This blog is still rather private, to me. At times, I have posted blunt, honest, and strong opinions and feelings. I'm not really ashamed or embarrassed, but it isn't something I would like to have a wide readership for. Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing when I post to the Internet. As it says in my blog subtitle, this is my public journal. It's an exercise for me in mental fitness.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012

Almost all of my favorite bloggers have started their posts this year with one titled "Hello 2012."  OK, so here's mine.

What will 2012 entail?

Things are changing this year personally for me. I do not expect my job to change much, but I think I must define a new paradigm for how I live. The kin keeper (Mom) is gone. I do not think any of my other family will reach out to me very much, therefore if I want to center my life on my family, I must become the kin keeper. I do not want to become the kin keeper, therefore, I must begin to define my life outside of my family of origin. I still would love to be in contact with family and I probably will be in contact on some level. SImply put, my life will not be about family.

This is non-traditional. The most popular model in America is the family-centered paradigm, in all its stress filled glory. For many people it works out well. For many others, it is hurtful and harmful. For me, I think it could be fine, but I don't think it will deliver fulfillment I am looking for. I will end up frustrated and feeling unappreciated.

I'm not sure what this means when I try to operationalize a non-traditional life. Travel over the holidays? Work over the holidays? Develop and nurture a network of friends that serve as family over the holidays? Who will I call to catch up with?  The fact is, I need a tribe, but my tribe does not need to be a clan.

So, I must get started.