Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mea Culpa

I need to confess - I left the lawn sprinkler on over night. I have a very happy spot of grass in the back yard, but it's such a waste. And I have no idea how much money that cost. It's going to be an ugly water bill.

Since I forgot, maybe it's an indication of trying to do too much?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Community Garden

I am practicing embedding a video in a web page for the community garden I belong to. I needed a real web page to play with so I thought I'd use this one.

I lease a plot here for charity. A group from my church grows veggies to donate to a food pantry, and I am leader. It is crazy fun to do - at first you start with a blank plot and you work it. You plant some seeds and go away...then magically they sprout and that's a thrill!  Then they grow into little plants - how did that happen? Then suddenly they're giant plants! Then fruits start to appear - just like you find in the grocery store, but no, I actually grew them! Sorcery, pure sorcery.

I'm not in the video, but my good friend Bev is. How does it look?

Sunday, July 8, 2012


It's no secret I prefer warm weather and longer days. Waking up after the sun is up, working out in the yard or walking the dog after dinner are the pleasures only summer time can afford. I feel so darn healthy! I work in the yard and have a good sweat. I drink lots of water. Vegetables and fruits are in season, fresh, and affordable. Color. Sunlight is abundant - I can do what I need to do and even have time for laziness, with light to spare.

Home Grown Veggies
When I lived in Rochester, NY (briefly) I learned how important this is to me. I was seriously depressed in the fall-and the winter-and the spring. Going to Florida for a vacation in February on year literally blew. my. mind.  That was the beginning of the end of living in Rochester. There are places - in my own country -  where you can wear February. Who knew?

But now, we are past the solstice and the days insidiously get shorter. We're having too much fun to notice right now, but it's happening. Kind of like life, now that I think about it.